Window Shutters for a Residential Home

Window shutters is not the same thing for everyone. Traditionally, window shutters were placed on the outside of window to help protect them from strong winds and any debris that could damage the glass behind them.

Typically, today though, most people know window shutters as interior window shutters. Wesley Chapel residents often think that window shutters can only be used on the inside windows of a home, but there are so many types and so many variations.

Window shutters come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common configuration to see them as is plantation window shutters. These types of window shutters have long louvers that let the user adjust how much light they want to allow in their windows.

Most window shutters, such as plantation shutters, are made from a polyurethane material that is very durable, but there are not the only materials that can be made with window shutters. Real hardwoods as well as faux-styled wood can be used to make elegant window shutters.

Most people know of window shutters being in that boxy formation that wraps around the edges of the window, but other sized windows are appropriate for window shutters. Wesley Chapel residents should also consider looking for window shutters that would go over rounded or arched pieces of glass. Another popular type of window that can be fitted with window shutters that most people do not know about are bay windows.

Another option for people to consider if they own a residential home is window shutters for sliding glass doors. Most window shutters end up folding out in a bi fold or trifold configuration, but window shutters that are suitable for sliding glass doors often slide on the same track that the sliding glass door does.

There are many options for homeowners who would like to add window shutters to their home.

Interior Window Shutters Wesley Chapel

Transforming a Home with Interior Shutters

Often times at least once a year, many homeowners like to take on a task or two that improves the look or feel of their home. Home remodeling and home renovations can be very labor intensive and expensive, but one option that homeowners can do to transform their home without doing too much is to consider interior window shutters. Wesley Chapel residents may be presently surprised by how much change only window shutters can make.

First off, window shutters are not a remodeling project that has to be done all at once, such as with a kitchen or bathroom remodel. Because interior window shutters can be purchased in section, or by room, it can often save the homeowner some additional funds if they decide to space out their project.

Some people might not think that window shutters can change the look or feel of a home, but they most certainly can.

Being able to control how much light that is showing through the window can drastically affect how a room feels. Additionally, interior window shutters are not stationary, and can be opened up for additional light, or superior air flow on chilly days.

It is not uncommon for individuals to paint a room in order to give it a new feel, but it is also possible to get colored interior window shutters. Wesley Chapel residents should know that the materials made into window shutters, such as polyurethane, hardwoods, and even synthetic faux wood can be colored.

With only a little of additional color and changing the amount of light that enters a room, homeowners can drastically change the look and feel of their home.

Decorative Shutters Wesley Chapel

Window Shutters Are Not All About Functionality

Many window shutters love touting all the great benefits and reasons someone should consider looking into window shutters. Even though they are fully right in their reasoning, it is not a bad reason to want to get window shutters because they look great!

When people get their interior window shutters for their home, they often ask about changing their plain shutters into decorative shutters. Wesley Chapel residents should not be turned off by the fact that most window shutters in commercials and advertisements are plain white.

In order to achieve decorative shutters, Wesley chapel homeowners can customize the material, color and configuration of the window shutters to make them more appealing to themselves.

Even if you do not change the material of your window shutters, which more often than not is going to be polyurethane unless requested otherwise, can be dyed to nearly any color you could imagine.

A lot of home-owners want their decorative window shutters to match the color of their decor or accent it in some capacity. This can be easily achieved by professionals who specialize in interior window shutters.

Another concern people may have is if they are using hardwood flooring or laminate flooring. They often think that the bold colors of their window shutters would not go great with their hardwood look. If this is of concern to you, it is quite possible to get window shutters that are made from hardwoods or faux wood substitutes.

With decorative shutters, Wesley chapel residents can even get shutters that are for special windows such as privacy windows.

There are many ways homeowners can customize their window shutters so that they feel comfortable that it is a representation or reflection of their home decor or their personal style.

Wooden Shutters Wesley Chapel

What are Popular Types of Woods Used for Window Shutters?

Wooden window shutters are often seen as the top of the line for good-looking window shutters. Everyone knows that natural hardwoods can be very elegant and pleasing, but they can also be quite numerous and vary drastically.

This is all based off of what type of wood is used for these window shutters. Nearly every type of hardwood that is used as a material for hardwood flooring can also be used in wooden shutters.

Wesley Chapel residents should know that wooden shutters have to be cared for much (differently) than regular polyurethane shutters.

Using different woods have their own specific complications associated with them. For example, one of the more common types of wood species that are used to make wooden window shutters is oak. Oak is a very heavy wood when compared to other varieties, and this could cause additional strain on joints and other moving parts.

If you are concerned about the additional stress on your wooden shutters, Wesley Chapel residents should consider other woods such as maple or cedar for their window shutters.

Maple is very close to oak in terms of heaviness, but it is not as bad. Maple wood is often more porous than their oak counterparts, and often weigh less.

Cedar is another interesting choice for people who are looking into wooden shutters. Wesley Chapel residents should be aware though that just because cedar is not as heavy as oak or even maple does not mean it doesn’t have its own complications.

Cedar wood can dent and scratch relatively easy because it is not as strong as other species of wood. Additionally, cedar wood comes in many grains and colors, so it could be hard to find shutters that are uniform throughout your whole home.

Plantation Shutters for Sliding Glass Doors Wesley Chapel

What about Wooden Shutters for Sliding Glass Doors?

Most people know about window shutters being made for the window of their homes, but they may not be aware that window shutters may also be appropriate for the sliding glass doors of their home. Many people often ask if there are plantation shutters for sliding glass doors.

Wesley Chapel residents should know that this is something that can be done, but they are slightly different from regular plantation shutters.

Shutters Winter GardenOnly of a fraction of the people who own plantation shutters in their home choose to have them made out of real hardwoods such as maple, cedar, or oak. This number is even smaller of wooden plantation shutters for sliding glass doors. Wesley chapel residents should be aware that wooden shutters look great and perform similarly to window shutters made from polyurethane.

One thing that homeowners need to keep in mind when looking for information about plantation shutters for sliding glass doors is that they are often configured (differently) than window shutters for windows.

Unless specified otherwise, the most common configuration to see window shutters made into known as a bi fold configuration where they open up like a book. Some window shutters even open up in a tri fold configuration, similar to that of opening a brochure.

With plantation shutters for sliding glass doors, Wesley chapel residents should know that they often slide instead of open up, even with one made for various hardwoods.

Even though it is more common to see wooden shutters for sliding glass doors in a sliding configuration, it is not impossible to have them open up in a bifold or even tri fold manor, given that the location in your home has enough space.

If you are interested in getting wooden plantation shutters for sliding glass doors, Wesley chapel residents may not want to put them in a location that has direct sunlight. Although hardwood materials are durable by our standards, they are often susceptible to various changes in light exposure, humidity, and even the temperature.

Wooden plantation shutters are great to look out, but they are also a lot more work than some people realize. If you are committed to getting wooden plantation shutters for your sliding glass doors, consider what it would take to make sure that the hardwood does not dry out or get warped in some capacity.