Premium Window Shutters TrinityNot all window shutters for homes are made the same. Some are made from better and higher quality materials, while other manufacturers try to cut corners in order to provide cheaper products for their clients. If you are a homeowner looking to get their windows fitted with new window shutters, they may want to consider only looking at premium window shutters. Trinity residents should know that premium shutters will last longer and perform better than window shutters that are made from the bare minimum parts and materials. Here are some of the differences between regular and premium window shutters for residential homeowners.

Premium Composite Window Shutters

Probably the most common options for window shutters of homeowners is one’s made from a composite material. While composite materials can make good shutters, they are most commonly associated with the cheapest type of material used, and are not often considered premium window shutters. Trinity residents should know that there are composite materials that are reinforced with some type of metal, usually aluminum. This makes the composite materials a little stronger and typically makes them last a little longer than normal composite window shutters without any type of metal used. The metal is on the inside of the shutters, and cannot be seen.

Natural Hardwood Premium Shutters

The type of window shutters that people imagine when talking about premium shutters are often natural hardwood window shutters. The less premium counterpart to these types of window shutters are composite window shutters that are made to look like real wood, often known as fox wood shutters. When it comes to hardwood materials and premium window shutters, Trinity residents should be made aware that there are many types of wood that can be turned into window shutters, all of which have different grains and natural colors to them. 

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