Interior Window Shutters Orlando

Interior Window Shutters OrlandoMany homeowners are starting new home renovation projects to start the new year right and productive. One of the most common home improvement projects in the last couple of years is to upgrade old blinds and curtains to plantation window shutters. Many people are thrown off though because they did not know there are so many types of window shutters, such as exterior and interior window shutters. Orlando residents should be made aware that not all window shutters are made equally, and some of them serve different functions depending on where a homeowner would like to put them in their home.

Exterior Window Shutters

Most people today are not interested in exterior window shutters when they make the decision to upgrade their home with plantation shutters. Exterior window shutters are the old type of shutters that go on the outside of a home, but they offer little functionality when compared to interior window shutters. Orlando residents should know that most exterior window shutters made today are purely for decoration, and do not offer the many benefits that people are talking about such as lower energy bills or increase the resale value of a home by a few thousand dollars.

Interior Window Shutters

Interior window shutters are much more versatile when compared to exterior window shutters because they offer more benefits and can be designed much differently than exterior window shutters. For example, it is not so easy to get exterior window shutters to open in close, but this is something easily achievable with interior window shutters. Orlando residents should be made aware that interior window shutters can also be made to fit larger doors such as a closet or sliding glass doors, while exterior window shutters tend to be uniform and only tend to fit traditional square windows. Interior window shutters can also be made to fit round or curved windows, or windows that tend to have an arch.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Shutter Professionals*