Interior Shutters Riverview

Interior Shutters RiverviewA lot of people are very familiar with what plantation window shutters are and what they are used for. If there is one common misconception that people have about interior shutters, Riverview residents might think that these shutters are the same as the ones that go on the outside of your home. While they are both called shutters, they are actually very different in terms of functionality. Very rarely when people are interested in window shutters for their homes that they think of traditional exterior window shutters for a home.

Interior Window Shutters are Not the Same as Exterior Window Shutters

Most people think that turning an interior window shutter into an exterior window shutter is as easy as switching them from the inside of a window sill to the outside. This is not the case, as many interior shutters Riverview professionals would be working with have to be mounted a specific way. There is no way to adjust or control the amount of light or the amount of airflow with traditional exterior shutters, as they are more so for decoration than they are for functionality such as with interior window shutters.

What are Exterior Window Shutters for?

Because Interior window shutters offer a lot of functionality for windows of a home, they assume that is the purpose of exterior window shutters but this is not true. In fact, exterior window shutters were designed as an additional layer of protection from debris and strong weather when the price of glass was very high. Although it is possible to decorate interior shutters, Riverview residents should know that exterior window shutters were designed also to decorate a home in addition to protecting the glass windows underneath. Today, most homes that have exterior window shutters is to add contrast to their home by painting them a different color from the rest of their home.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Shutter Professionals*